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Evolving from a beginner marketer to an expert affiliate takes a significant amount of time and effort. In addition to developing campaigns and learning what elements resonate with consumers, affiliates also have to familiarize themselves with a seemingly endless list of industry terms.

Learning advanced techniques like competitor research and discovering the best tools is essential, but every marketer needs to learn many different definitions before becoming a successful affiliate. Our team at ActiveRevenue has decades of combined experience in the industry, so we’ve put together a set of affiliate definitions to help beginners transition to experienced affiliate marketers.

The Affiliate Glossary Vol 2

Benefits of Knowing the Affiliate Jargon

Before going any further, let’s analyze the benefits of learning about the different concepts that rule the industry. Some affiliates feel like the only important thing is to learn how to build successful campaigns, so understanding simple terms like ad format is enough.

However, remember that all marketers need to leverage different platforms to build a solid campaign based on data, like keyword research, competitor analysis, and consumer trend visualization tools. And, the only way to leverage all the features available on these platforms is to know what the different terms in the industry mean. The same goes for forging lasting relationships with providers, crafting quality content, and selecting the best offers.

The Affiliate Glossary Vol 3

Definitions for Seasoned Marketers

Let’s take a look at the top 35+ definition that seasoned marketers need to be familiar with.

  • Ad Exchange: the ad exchange is the platform or mechanism that allows all traffic sources to connect to DSPs and SSPs.
  • Ad Network: an ad network is a company that specializes in collecting inventory from publishers and selling it to advertisers, media buyers, and any other buyer that’s interested in acquiring this inventory. Additionally, ad networks often have a variety of pricing models to choose from and cover a large collection of industries.
  • Alexa Rank: a marketing intelligence platform that ranks websites based on user browsing patterns.
  • Backlink: a backlink is an external link pointing to your website or platform, also known as incoming or inbound links.
  • Black Hat SEO: a term used to describe SEO practices that are not technically allowed by Google and other search engines, but can still help you get high rankings temporarily.
  • Blacklist: list of blocked traffic sources that you don’t want to work with. Depending on the context, it can also cover geographical locations, segments, and other variables you want to avoid.
  • Click Fraud: the practice of generating illegitimate clicks using deceitful tactics.
  • Cloaking: the deceitful practice of masking a page’s real content or affiliate link to avoid penalization from search engines, ad networks, and other providers. 
  • Content Farm: an operation designed to develop poor quality content at a low price in order to boost traffic on a website or app.
  • Datafeed: a list that features all products that an advertiser has for sale, includes images and the pricing of each item.
  • Deep Linking: a feature available on most affiliate networks, which allows marketers to send visitors to a specific page deep within the advertiser’s website.
  • Domain Authority: a Moz metric that allows marketers to evaluate how much domain their platforms have in the eyes of search engines.
  • Duplicate Content: sections of written content in a website that appear duplicated in one or more sites across the web.
  • Earnings per Click: known as EPC, this metric helps affiliates see how much revenue they generate for every 100 clicks.
  • Fired Pixel: a phrase that affiliates use to describe when the click ID has been triggered, which allows marketers to track interactions on the pages hosting their ads.
  • First Click Offers: affiliate programs that reward the first affiliate to generate a conversion within the limits of cookie expiration is the one that is rewarded with the sale. 
  • Flat Deal: the process of purchasing traffic in bulk from direct providers or networks in order to pay a low per-interaction rate to the provider.
  • GEO Target: feature that allows you to target campaigns or ads to users in a specific location.
  • Hit: a term that code developers use to describe a request made to a server for a single element, like an image, written content, or a page itself.
  • HTML: an acronym that standards for HyperText Markup Language, HTML allows developers to create text documents, multimedia elements, and other elements that are usually displayed online. 
  • Incentivized Affiliates: marketers that work with traffic that has been incentivized to visit a site and complete a conversion.
  • Keyword Density: a percentage that measures how many times the target keyword has been used in a piece of content.
  • Keyword Research: the process of finding keywords to use in your marketing campaigns.
The Affiliate Glossary Vol 4
  • Link building: an SEO technique that focuses on acquiring quality backlinks and improving a site’s backlink structure.
  • Maximum Budget: the highest value you’re willing to spend on your campaign. Once this threshold is reached the campaign will stop.
  • Meta Description: code elements on a site that tell search engines what it contains before the site being analyzed is actually opened.
  • Niche Marketing: promoting approach that focuses on promoting services to specific market segments.
  • Off-Page SEO: SEO technique that deals with external factors, like backlinks.
  • On-Page SEO: SEO technique that deals with internal factors, like page structure or keywords being used.
  • PageRank: ranking algorithm used by Google to analyze the quality and quantity of the content on a website. 
  • Paid Search: cost-per-click marketing technique that focuses on promoting products through search engines, ad networks, and other sites.
  • Raw Clicks: metric that allows analyzers to see how many clicks an ad has received and where they came from, including duplicate interactions.
  • Robots.txt: a file that publishers can use to help guide web crawlers while their site is being indexed.
  • SERP: stands for search engine results pages, which appear after every time a user performs a query.
  • Tracking Platform: company or tracking tool provider used to monitor the performance of a campaign, network, or publishing platform.
  • Tracking URL: website URL that contains a specific code attached to it,
  • Unique Clicks: number of clicks received from single individuals.
  • URL: stands for uniform resource locator, but it’s just a fancy term to describe your website address.
  • Viral Marketing: marketing strategy that focuses on sharing shocking or otherwise engaging content that goes viral and attracts the attention of the masses.
  • Webmaster: owner or manager of a website.
  • Whitelist: list of traffic sources, providers, or GEOs that are always allowed on your campaign.

Check out also our affiliate glossary for beginner

Want to Learn more? Get in Touch with ActiveRevenue Today

Are you ready to start building more robust campaigns? Contact our team at ActiveRevenue and we’ll be glad to help you get started.

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