
Push Guide 8.1.19

Do you know that 71% of all app uninstalls are caused by push notifications? If you  want to change this statistic, then you need to act:

1. Send personalized push notifications, tailored to your users’ interests

Your users should think that the push notification is for them and only them. That requires personalization based on the user’s preferences, location, and interests. If you want to get the right message, consider modifying your push notifications with different copy lengths and tone. You can modify push notifications to appear conditionally based on user actions. You can also replicate the notification toolbar to look just like the real thing.

2. Do not send push notifications when you want but when your users want them

Try not to send push notifications at a time when they are likely to be asleep. Likewise, calculate the right number of push notifications and take into consideration the time zone your user is in. Spamming someone with 30 marketing notifications in the middle of the night is not going to win you any awards anytime soon.

3. Do not use jargon and inappropriate words

You have just a few seconds to engage a user when you send a push notification. There is no time for very long explanations or verbose copywriting in such a small space. You have to be clear and to the point.  Push notifications under 15 character have the best conversion rates. Use them smartly.

4.  Always ask for permission and denote a value

Try to explain clearly to your user the positive aspects of getting your push notifications. Why should your users give you approval? What is in it for them? Explaining the value, and that you can do in your app onboarding can elevate your opt-in rate

The best kind of push notification is one which takes into consideration a user’s preferences and adapts accordingly.

Create your Push campaign today with Active revenue and get excellent results with unique push traffic!

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