
Pop Injection Traffic

Advertisers always look for innovative ways to reach their target audience and showcase their offers. Beyond traditional methods like push notifications, zero-click ads, and regular pops, many advertisers and affiliates are keen to try new traffic types to reach specific crowds.

And we have it! This new method is called Pop Injection or Pop Extensions.

What is Pop Injection Traffic?

Pop Injection traffic stands out because it allows advertisers to target any domain on the web, even if it’s not in the platform’s domain database. This is possible because the traffic is generated from browser extensions installed on the user’s desktop. These extensions inject ads directly into the websites users view, thus the name “injection traffic.”

The injected ads are tailored based on the websites users have visited in the past and the cookies saved on their browsers. Since this traffic type relies on browser extensions, it is specifically designed for desktop targeting only.

Cherry-Picking Your Audience

One of the main advantages of Pop-Injection traffic is the ability to create a targeted domain list, effectively “cherry-picking” where you want your traffic to come from. This precision targeting is particularly beneficial for verticals such as e-commerce, travel, insurance, finance, cryptocurrencies, and more.

For instance, if you want to promote sports accessories offer, you can add to whitelist domains like decathlon.com, modells.com, and amazon.com to reach an audience already interested in similar products. Similarly, a travel website can target domains like expedia.com, travelocity.com, and booking.com to attract travel enthusiasts.


Pop Injection traffic offers a unique and highly targeted way for advertisers to reach specific audiences. This traffic type can drive high-quality traffic to your offers by leveraging browser extensions and precise domain targeting. Whether you work with e-commerce, travel, or another vertical, Pop-Injection traffic provides a powerful tool to connect with your desired audience.

Try it with ActiveRevenue and see how this innovative traffic type can boost your advertising efforts! 

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