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Account managers are the best friends of any Affiliate Marketer. They know everything you need to make your ad work and generate high profits. Therefore, we decided to open a section of advice from our cool team. So today we meet Mary Panchishna, Account Manager at ActiveRevenue.

“My name is Mary and I represent ActiveRevenue DSP as an account manager 🙂

I’ve been discovering the world of traffic and helping out advertisers from all around the world for already more than 4 years. I faced lots of different cases which taught me to identify top ad mistakes killing campaign ROI and conversion rate. 

Ad Frequency

Brand credibility is risked by showing the ads to the user too frequently. It  makes the audience feel pushed and they start using ad-blockers to prevent any interactions with annoying ads. Also, if your ads appear on the user screen too often, it may cause banner blindness.

Prioritizing Revenue Over the User Experience

Many ad units are considered to be obtrusive, they interfere with user experience. That’s why Chrome blocks ads like auto-play videos, and some particularly long mid-roll and pre-rolls.

Is Granular Targeting Important?

Appealing to the mass audience = hitting the attention of users who are uninterested in your product. Eventually, such a campaign will only waste ad budgets.

Rationalize and Optimize

It is important to regularly optimize your campaigns to keep them profitable and avoid overspending.

From these arguments, one must conclude that every little thing can have a crucial effect on the campaign performance. 

That is why I consider  ActiveRevenue DSP to be a perfect place to promote your brand.  We offer full access, granular targeting, competitive pricing, and multiple optimization capabilities to hit your ROI targets efficiently!”

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write to Mary in LinkedIn or contact us: Skype activerevenue support or email: [email protected]

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